
Can Dialysis Reduce High Creatinine Level in Kidney Failure

To be honest, although it is serious for renal failure patients with creatinine , there still is great chance to survive long life with proper and effective treatments without dialysis. Do you have alternative of dialysis for renal failure patients with creatinine ? You can find the answer in the following article.

In general, creatinine level is in a constant condition due to the balance of body and metabolism function. However, when kidney is damaged, it can not filter the excess metabolites effectively and fully, so that lots of toxins and wastes accumulate in blood including creatine. Moreover, elevated creatinine also means kidney damage serious, and kidney functions have been lost more than 50%. Series of symptoms may appear. In this case, timely and proper treatment is necessary.
Dialysis as the kidney replacement is the most common treatment for reducing high creatinine level. It can discharge toxins and excess fluid and other wastes from the body temporarily, but long-term dialysis may cause many complications. If it remove fluid too much, it is easy to cause dehydration, leading to skin itching. Other symptoms include headache, breath difficulty, nausea, vomiting and low blood pressure and so on, which influence patient’s life and healthy condition. After a period of time, creatinine level may elevate again.

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Therefore, dialysis can not reduce high creatinine level naturally. Chinese Medicine can be the alternative treatment of dialysis which is natural and healthy so that patients do not worry about their body condition.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective alternative treatments of dialysis, which is a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is external application without discomfort and pain for patients.This therapy treats the kidney condition from the root through protecting the residual kidney functions, repairing impaired kidney, and restoring part of kidney functions. After a period of time, kidney can play work better and better, so that creatinine level and other symptoms caused by renal failure also reduce and disappear naturally.

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