
Creatinine this "kidney killer"

Creatinine levels higher than normal is called high creatinine, creatinine, including serum creatinine and urine creatinine, but serum creatinine to measure renal function is more meaningful. Therefore, high creatinine generally refers to high serum creatinine. In general, the normal value of serum creatinine: 44-133μmol / L, but in accordance with the new international standard is now 59-104μmol / L, when the serum creatinine exceeds 133μmol / L means that the kidney may be injured, renal insufficiency has occurred, Kidney failure. (133μmol / L or more for the inflammatory injury period, 186μmol / L for renal damage, 451μmol / L for renal failure period). Creatinine in the body is mainly produced by the muscles, excretion through the kidneys.

Under normal circumstances, creatinine production is constant, the level of serum creatinine depends mainly on the number of creatinine excretion of the kidneys. Renal compensatory function is very strong, if the two kidneys are normal, then as long as a kidney function, serum creatinine can be maintained at normal levels. In other words, renal function must be reduced to half the normal level, will cause elevated serum creatinine. Therefore, serum creatinine does not fully reflect the early, mild renal function decline. What are the hazards of high creatinine?

Creatinine high is how is it?

Serum creatinine levels are used as a measure of glomerular filtration rate, renal function, one of the important indicators, that is high in creatinine more common in kidney disease, such as chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, uremia, IgA nephropathy, polycystic Kidney, nephrotic syndrome and so on. As the creatinine, urea nitrogen is the body of the product of muscle metabolism, produced in the body every day, these toxins are excreted through the kidneys, when the normal renal units were destroyed, renal interstitial fibrosis, glomerular seizures after local hardening , Glomerular filtration function decline, toxins can not be discharged, leading to retention of the body, showing increased creatinine. With the renal fibrosis from time to time pause, glomerular filtration function from time to time, creatinine does not rise.

In general, the kidney compensatory ability in the kidney is not damaged to a certain extent, the patient is often no symptoms, when the glomerular filtration rate dropped to more than 50% of normal, serum creatinine began to rise rapidly, only serious Beyond the normal value of serum creatinine, (due to different methods of determination, the normal value of serum creatinine also vary, the normal range of 40 ~ 120umol / L) considered kidney damage.

Renal compensatory ability is very strong, as long as 25% of the nephron, kidney function cells work, can guarantee the body's detoxification needs, muscle liver level can also be maintained in the normal range. If the emergence of muscle liver high, it shows that more than 75% of the nephron, kidney function cells have been severely damaged, and can not complete the task of detoxification. Creatinine represents the occurrence of high glomerular filtration rate and decreased renal detoxification function, this time, kidney disease patients with renal dysfunction, renal insufficiency, and with the continuous increase in serum creatinine, the patient's degree of renal dysfunction Will become more and more serious, the disease will also be progressing from stage of renal failure to progress to end-stage renal failure, and ultimately enter the uremic stage.

Creatinine high common hazards

1, sodium metabolism disorders: high serum creatinine also appears hyponatremia or hypernatremia.

2, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium metabolism and so on.

3, metabolic acidosis: serum creatinine in patients with high breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, restlessness and even coma and other symptoms.

4, water metabolism disorders: there polyuria, increased nocturia, thirst, mucosal drying, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure and other symptoms.

5, potassium metabolism disorders: high serum creatinine is often accompanied by hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.

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