
Eat Healthily In New Year

Children's shoes, three days a small holiday? What are you going to do?
Entertain friends and family? Or their own big bite at home, the students of cooked vegetables how to put a long time? Just 5 strokes, a meal to eat three meals a day, health trouble ...

1. When the vegetables do not soak

Some people used to soak vegetables, so that pesticides and other to clean the toxins, it is not. Soak if the dish did not wash clean, as well as pesticide residues, the more dirty the more bubbles. If soaked more than 30 minutes, but also cause loss of vitamins. Buy the food before the first set at room temperature for half a day to volatile pesticides, and then washed several times more water can be.

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2. Green leafy vegetables cold storage effect is good

Vegetables contain a low amount of nitrite, stored at room temperature for 1 to 3 days, the nitrite which reached its peak, refrigerated conditions, about 3 to 5 days to reach the peak.
Spinach, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables, nitrite production is particularly large, so the refrigerator storage effect is better. The roots of cucumber, pumpkin, onion, white radish, carrots, etc., do not need to put the refrigerator, these plants contain enzymes will slowly decompose pesticide residues.

3. salad with garlic

Organic sulfides in garlic juice, vitamin C in lemon juice and other reducing substances can block the synthesis of nitrosamines by nitrite carcinogens. Salad vegetables or pickled vegetables, add onion, ginger, garlic, pepper are conducive to reducing the content of nitrite.

4. do not eat do not flip

Leftovers often nitrite excess problem. Nitrite itself is toxic, in the stomach and protein meet, will produce carcinogenic nitrosamines. Many bacteria have nitrate reductase, nitrate can be reduced to nitrite.

Therefore, to store the best fried food is a good sub-pack, cool and then put into the refrigerator. Remove the leftovers from the refrigerator, before eating must be high-temperature Hui Guo, in order to completely kill the bacteria.

5. After the hot vegetables and then put the refrigerator

Vegetables boiled in boiling water, can reduce the food surface microorganisms, and can remove more than 70% of the nitrate and nitrite. Keep refrigerators without worrying about their safety. First boiled cooked green leafy vegetables, remove and spread in the ice off the broader market, cool to room temperature, and then divided into a few minutes into the refrigerator, eat one meal. This can be stored for 24 hours.

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