
Do I Have To Take Kidney Transplant For ESRD

I wan diagnosed with ESRD, do I have to undergo Kidney Transplant? Is there any other Natural Treatment for me? I really need your help.

In instances when kidney damage is severe with only 15% or less renal function left, patients may need to undergo a Kidney Transplant procedure to maintain life. However, after the transplantation, do patients still have ESRD? Check the following text for an answer or chat with our online doctor for free help.

Kidney transplant is a major surgical procedure that places a healthy kidney from another person into patient's abdomen. Other than a cure for ESRD, it is a renal replacement therapy which doesn't function to improve the kidney damage. Therefore, even after a transplant, patient still live with kidney disease and need to take medication for the rest of life.

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Why Kidney Transplant or Kidney Dialysis is not the best option?

Dialysis is a traditional way. It can help remove small size toxins out of body, but not middle and big size toxins. That why it works well in a period, but after, it works limited. For kidney transplant patients, it can not improve inner body’s environment enough. This is the reason why many of them suffer Kidney Failure again. And I think you have heard many cases like that, right? Besides, waiting for suitable kidney is long time for many patients, some of them passed way on time waiting.

What is the alternative of Kidney Transplant for ESRD patients?

As for ESRD patients, our suggestion is to clean up inner environment of the body first, to make good preparation for the further medication.

As a matter of fact, many patients avoid kidney transplant with systemic Chinese Medicine Treatments to help eliminate all toxins out of the body, cleanse inner environment, and improve immunity and kidney function effectively. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is often used for ESRD patients. It is an external application treatment which differs from other traditional treatments. It can help repair damaged kidney tissues and improve self-healing ability fundamentally. With the improved kidney function, kidney transplant can be avoided.

If you want to avoid Kidney Transplant in ESRD or know more details about treatments, please leave message below or send email to us. We are willing to help you.

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