
How To Manage Swollen Ankle in Stage 5 CKD

Swelling often occurs in patients with kidney disease. Swelling becomes much more severe as kidney disease progresses. While, how can patients manage swollen ankles in stage 5 CKD?

Normally, our interstitial fluid exchanges and updates constantly, but the amount of interstitial fluid is relatively stable. This depends on the balance of liquid inside and outside both blood vessels and the body. When this balance is damaged, fluid retention occurs easily.

For people with Chronic Kidney Disease, the decline of plasma colloid osmotic pressure is the leading cause of fluid imbalance, while protein is the key to determine the level of plasma colloid osmotic pressure. Three factors can lead to the reduction of protein, resulting in swelling.

- Malnutrition: Poor appetite or restricted diet is more likely to make kidney disease patients can’t get enough nutritions, thus lacking of raw materials for protein formation.

- Heavy loss of protein: If the glomerular basement membrane is damaged, a lot of protein will leak from the kidney to urine.

- Fluid and sodium retention: When glomerular filtration rate (GFR) declines but renal tubules are still well, fluid and sodium build up in the tissue space easily along with the increase of blood capillary permeability.

Is there anything we can do to relieve ankle swollen with stage 5 CKD ?

Since swollen ankle is cased by diseased kidney, we need to make it every effort to make the diseased kidney repaired. The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can achieve a great effects in helping patients repair the diseased kidney. The natural treatments include Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot bath.

In case of kidney failure, there are numerous toxins and wastes products building up in patients’ body and they not only make further damage to kidney cells, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Toxin-Removing Treatment is used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely. And then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes highly effects to repair the diseased kidney by dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and reliving inflammation and coagulation in blood. Besides, Immunotherapy takes effects to repair the diseased kidney by accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection.
By taking this treatment, swollen ankles can be relived fundamentally through a way of improving kidney function.

Are you still suffering from swollen ankles problem? Do you want to seek for a fundamental treatment to relieve it ? Please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leave a message below. We will try our best to help you.

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