
Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 9.8: Is Dialysis the Only Choice

I have got kidney disease sevaral years ago and now my creatinine level is 9.8, the doctor recommend dialysis but i don’t want to take it. Please tell me is there any other choice for me?

In fact, for kidney failure patient who are in this condition they have some other options except dialysis. But they should take the alternative treatment timely, otherwise they will suffer more pains. You know after the creatinine level up to 9.8, many symptoms and complications will occur, without timely treatment the patients will experience more and more pains.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the most effective for CKD, it is able to be the alternative the dialysis for patients also with high creatinine level.

What treatment can help kidney failure patient live a quality life without dialysis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help kidney failure patient live better without dialysis by improving the kidney function.

You know, this treatment is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it has generated all the advantages of the TCM, that is to say, it can treat kidney disease without making further damage to the kidneys.

In one word, for kidney failure patient with creatinine level 9.8 they can get a chance to live a quality life without taking dialysis if they can get this treatment timely.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

Email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

Phone: 008618330110929

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