
Kidney Patients Should Pay Attention To Complications

Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease, the course of a rapid and dangerous, and even life-threatening. But many patients with kidney disease may not know, in the course of the development of kidney disease, there will be this terrible complications.

This is due to a considerable part of the kidney disease patients will have different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, without control and treatment is very easy to sudden stroke.

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Renal hypertension will oppress the brain blood vessels, so that lesions. Cerebral blood vessels after the disease will cause stroke. To this end, please hypertensive nephropathy patients must be more investigation, record changes in blood pressure, on time to take antihypertensive drugs, less salt diet.
Blood pressure normal kidney disease patients can not be taken lightly, it is best to regularly measure blood pressure, and develop good habits.


Nephropathy patients with diabetes, the body of the disease, can not be timely to the blood of sugar and tissues and organs, making the brain can not get enough energy, over time is easy to stroke Suggested diabetes or high blood sugar in patients with improved kidney disease, low-sugar diet, ground exercise, to lower blood sugar levels.

In addition, the need to regularly check blood glucose, glucose tolerance and glycosylated hemoglobin and other indicators, to understand the disease.

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High blood lipids

Dyslipidemia can lead to vascular disease, stroke is a key reason. Hyperlipidemia in patients with kidney disease to eat less high-fat meat, limiting oil, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, according to the doctor prescribed lipid-lowering drugs.

heart disease

Not only heart attack terrible, heart disease caused by complications are equally terrible. Stroke is one of them. 40 years of age or older patients with the best regular physical examination to prevent the emergence of heart disease. Patients with confirmed heart disease should actively cooperate with the doctor, the use of diet, exercise, drugs and other treatment methods to control heart disease.

In addition to kidney disease patients, other patients with these diseases are also the same vigilance, a high degree of concern about their own condition changes, timely response to timely control, to stop the process of acute stroke.

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