
Natural Ways Restore Kidney Function

Normally, Kidney Failure has been described as gradually losing of kidney function, besides, patients also experience some poisoning symptoms and complications along with decreasing kidney function. What is worse, their life is threatened by these symptoms and complications. Therefore, they are wondering that what are the natural ways to restore kidney function?

Make diet changes according to your illness condition

Kidney failure patients can not eat as freely as other people, as some foods do harm for their kidneys. To protect residual kidney tissues and restore impaired kidney function, arranging a beneficial diet is very necessary.

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Unique Chinese Medicine Treatments for Kidney Patients

In China, many renal doctors put forward a series of natural treatments named “4+7” therapy which is aimed at improving kidney function.

“4” refers to four therapies, including a bottle of Maikang Mixture to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, a pair of Chinese medicine to make patients feel relax, a does of Chinese medicine with external application to relive hypoxia-ischemia in blood, a basin of Foot Bath to promote blood circulation and feel relax.

“7”means that Hot Compress Therapy to clear away toxins out of body completely. Medicated Bath Therapy to promote blood circulation and strengthen kidney, Moxibustion therapy to clear away various toxins and wastes products, Foot Bath to relive skin itching, Circle Therapy to promote yin and yang, so as to strengthen your kidney. Enema Therapy to remove various toxins and wastes products out of body completely.

Are you suffering from kidney failure ? Do you want to restore your kidney function ? If so, please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com leave a message below. We will try our best to help you.

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