
The Key Point In IgA Nephropathy Treatment

IgA Nephropathy is the most common primary glomerular disease, which originally belongs to mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, but has become a separate type of pathology, it is now often said mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, In fact refers to non-IgA deposition-based pathology.

The origin of IgA nephropathy

IgA is part of the body's immune system, the so-called IgA nephropathy, is that these IgA immune complex deposition in the mesangial area, triggering complement system attacks, leading to kidney damage. Therefore, the focus of treatment of IgA nephropathy, as soon as possible to clear out these immune complexes.
The only problem is: there is no good way to clean up.

IgA nephropathy treatment

In the treatment of IgA nephropathy, Western medicine commonly used means of anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, etc., and no dedicated to clean up the immune complex approach.

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Treatment for blood in urine of IgA Nephropathy

What Is The Remedy For Sore Throat In IgA Nephropathy

Chinese medicine it? "Clean up toxins" has been the specialty of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is mainly through the activation of micro-circulation, enhance the excretion of human ability to achieve the purpose of detoxification. Oral Chinese medicine can clear the blood vessels, foot bath and medicated bath can stimulate the body sweat, acupuncture and moxibustion can clear the meridian .
Patients need to pay attention to what?

IgA nephropathy is a kind of mesangial cell disease, recurrent hematuria or urinary occult blood as the main feature, in fact, infection, so in their daily lives, we must pay attention to avoid infection.


To avoid the principle of infection is to eat less spicy food stimulation.

Pepper is well-known spicy food, but speaking from the Chinese medicine, spicy food is hot, too "divergent", will be very "gas consumption."
Therefore, in addition to pepper, the onions, ginger, leeks, garlic, parsley, pepper, onion, etc. are spicy food. Moreover, garlic, ginger, cumin, celery and other foods, but also with adverse drug reactions, medication, it is recommended to eat less.

Conditioning aspects

In addition to daily living, work and rest, the need to focus here to talk about emotional problems.

Emotions on the body's immune function and organ function is obvious and lasting, the most simple example is: happy when drinking is not easy to drunk, sad when drunk easily drunk, this is the emotional decomposition of alcohol on the liver the direct impact of capacity.

High mood may cause high blood pressure, depression may lead to decreased immunity, these two conditions are unfavorable for patients with kidney disease.
Therefore, the relaxed state of mind, is the right path.

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