
Kidney Patients Should Avoid These Foods

Got kidney disease, inappropriate diet will cause serious harm to patients.

There are a lot of food, although common, but the patient suffering from kidney disease, it is likely to increase the condition. Therefore, we must pay attention to these foods.

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Cattle, sheep, dog meat

Kidney disease is best not to eat cattle and sheep dog meat. They belong to the traditional sense of the "hair", warm, not suitable for patients with inflammatory kidney disease.

If it is mild kidney disease patients, you can eat a little bit of soft beef stew. But all the patients are not eating lamb and dog meat.

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Nephrotic patients need to add vitamin A, but it is best not to eat through the liver to achieve.

Pig liver contains a lot of cholesterol, purine and other substances, will give the kidney a great metabolic burden.


Spinach is the most common green leafy vegetables, vitamin content is also very rich, but contains a large number of oxalic acid and potassium on the treatment of kidney disease adverse.


Do not recommend kidney disease to eat bananas is not only because it is the highest in the common fruits of potassium, but also because it contains a lot of magnesium will inhibit the nerve and cardiovascular system.

In addition banana cold, kidney disease in patients with physical weakness, after eating may bloating, abdominal pain.
Nephrotic patients, regardless of what they eat, are best to know in advance can not eat, to avoid damage to the kidney due to improper diet.

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