
The four dietary problems of patients with chronic nephritis

For patients with chronic nephritis, a scientific and reasonable diet on its physical rehabilitation has a significant role and impact. A reasonable diet is conducive to reducing the retention of metabolic wastes in its body, delaying the occurrence and progression of chronic renal insufficiency. However, due to chronic nephritis patients on the one-sided understanding of diet, making it in the diet there is a certain misunderstanding. Hospital nephropathy experts concluded that patients with chronic nephritis in the diet there are four major problems. For everyone's safety, I hope everyone in mind, do not make similar mistakes.

Is it a substitute for a salt?

As we all know that salt is directly related to edema, many patients with chronic nephritis pay special attention to eating salt, and even do not eat salt, resulting in hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, muscle spasms, hypotension, hypovolemia, low Blood pressure and so on.

Limit salt on high blood pressure, edema, oliguria, chronic nephritis, renal failure patients is necessary to avoid excessive sodium and sodium retention, increased edema and high blood pressure, but salt does not mean that do not eat salt, unless the high degree of edema to be strictly limited Salt and even limited water, the general should take a low-salt diet, but also appropriate control of less urine intake. Therefore, chronic kidney nephritis patients on the salt intake, depending on the specific circumstances by the doctor may be, excessive fear of salt is not necessary, and some patients with autumn stone instead of salt is not desirable. Autumn stone and autumn Qiushi stone, the main ingredient of pale autumn stone is white and salt, there are people in the white, autumn dew and gypsum and other processing made; salty stone main components such as salt, so with Qiushi There is no scientific reason to replace salt.

Question 2 Is the high quality protein a vegetable protein or an animal protein?

Chronic nephritis, renal failure patients due to decreased renal metabolic capacity, the main toxins such as urea nitrogen, creatinine accumulation in the body, resulting in damage to the body, and these toxins are protein metabolites, so patients with chronic renal failure should emphasize low Quality protein diet. Some patients think vegetarian does not contain protein, so long vegetarian. In fact this is a misunderstanding of food protein.

Food protein comes from both plant protein and animal protein, although most plant protein content is lower than animal protein content, but the daily staple food such as rice, flour protein content of 8% -9%, beans and soy protein content can be More than 20%, due to plant protein contains less amino acids, and high potassium, it is not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. The animal protein contains essential amino acids greater than 50%, so patients with chronic renal failure should be appropriate to eat with the necessary amino acid high animal protein. Such as milk, eggs, fish, meat and so on. The daily intake of protein should be based on the total amount of renal damage to a rough estimate, to control the intake of plant protein, should not use high vegetable protein beans and soy products.

Question 3 "hunger therapy" really useful?

Chronic nephritis patients emphasize high quality low protein at the same time, but also to ensure adequate supply of heat to reduce the decomposition of endogenous protein diet, thereby reducing azotemia. People generally use sugar as the main source of heat supply, the choice of wheat starch, lotus root starch, sweet potatoes, honey, sugar, vegetable oil instead of some staple food. In the clinical because of chronic kidney disease in patients with too much emphasis on diet, as well as the patient's misunderstanding of animal protein, so that some patients to take "hunger therapy." As the staple food and animal protein is too limited, the patient is often malnourished, coupled with "hunger therapy", more emphasis on malnutrition, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, anemia, and easy to merge infection, aggravate the condition, resulting in Renal Failure. Therefore, the "hunger therapy" can not protect the kidney function, chronic nephritis patients must not "try."

Question four drink "bone soup" really can calcium body?

Chronic nephritis patients with weak constitution, and patients with calcium and phosphorus metabolism abnormalities, the performance of low calcium hyperphosphatemia. As the patient's gastrointestinal function is affected and hyperparathyroidism, calcium absorption in the intestine decreased, nephritis patients often showed low calcium At the same time, due to reduced phosphorus, and endocrine disorders, so patients with high phosphorus state. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink a lot of bone soup intake of phosphorus, causing phosphorus accumulation in the body, increased the high phosphatidemia. Therefore, drink bone soup not only can not improve the lack of calcium, and because of elevated blood phosphorus will increase the damage of renal function.

Therefore, kidney disease experts advise: chronic nephritis patients need to adhere to the principles of scientific nephritis diet: high-quality low-protein, low salt, low phosphorus, high calorie diet, master "eat" knowledge, out of chronic kidney disease diet, is conducive to reducing the burden on the kidneys , Delay further decline in renal function. But in addition to diet, from the fundamental treatment of chronic nephritis is the most critical.

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