
The risk of hypotension and the way to increase blood pressure

We are concerned about high blood pressure, so that the formation of an independent disease of hypertension, low blood pressure can only be regarded as a clinical symptom.

But the concern is not equal to not important, kidney disease patients with low blood pressure, but also very troublesome.

Why is low blood pressure?

At present, there is a clear diagnostic criteria for hypertension, but there is no uniform standard for low blood pressure, usually considered, blood pressure below 90 / 60mmHg even if the low blood pressure.

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For patients with nephropathy, the causes of hypotension are usually so few:

1, heart failure

Renal insufficiency often associated with heart failure, which is leading to low blood pressure more common reasons.

2, antihypertensive drugs

Nephrotic patients often have symptoms of hypertension, antihypertensive drugs have become a routine treatment of nephropathy, but patients at home self-medication, may be due to dose problems, leading to low blood pressure.

3, anemia

Renal anemia is a common symptom in patients with renal insufficiency, which can also lead to hypotension.

What is the risk of hypotension?

We know that high blood pressure will affect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and even lead to sudden death, what is the risk of low blood pressure?

1, low mood

Hypotension can lead to depression, anxiety and other negative emotions, this in my opinion is the most serious harm.

2, syncope

Low blood pressure, it will lead to syncope, the harm after the low mood.

3, physical decline

Long-term hypotension can lead to malnutrition, and will damage the immune system, which for patients with kidney disease, is a hidden deep hidden dangers.

4, organ atrophy

This is due to ischemia and hypoxia caused by the process although very slow, but the harm is very far-reaching.

How to improve blood pressure?

There are a lot of drugs to lower blood pressure, but there is no drug to improve blood pressure, so we need to pass other ways to improve blood pressure.

1, red wine

Drink some red wine every night, can enhance heart function, reduce blood viscosity, speed up blood flow, so you can improve blood pressure. (Blood pressure is not low patients do not try)

2, light salt water

Why do patients with kidney disease limit salt? Because salt in addition to easily lead to water and sodium retention (edema), but also increased blood pressure. So slightly, if you are relatively low blood pressure, you can drink some light salt water.

3, tea

Caffeine in tea can excite the respiratory center and the cardiovascular system, which can also help boost blood pressure, but the effect is not as good as the first two methods. However, there are other benefits of tea, so it is also listed here.

4, seven full

Eating too much will lead to the return of the heart of the blood less, which is not conducive to raising blood pressure.

5, movement

Appropriate exercise, such as walking, can promote blood circulation, which also has some help to improve blood pressure.

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