
How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live With Dialysis

Renal failure dialysis treatment can live long: renal failure dialysis will have a good remission of renal disease complications, if the complications of renal failure patients can be effectively controlled, then the treatment of kidney failure kidney disease will be great The help of the role.

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However, when renal failure dialysis, there are many issues that require kidney failure patients attention. Then kidney failure dialysis can live long, renal failure patients need to pay attention to what dialysis? The following by the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for everyone in detail. Renal failure dialysis interval should be based on renal failure in patients with renal function and the amount of residue to develop, can not arbitrarily determine the number of dialysis and the interval time.

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Renal failure in severe cases, generally need to do 3 times a week dialysis, nephropathy slightly less dialysis interval time can be appropriate to extend. Successful dialysis can remove some of the drugs and toxic substances, reduce renal failure complications.Can Chinese Medicine Help to Avoid Dialysis for Life

Patients with renal failure to be dialysis to be rational, whether hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis are only effective to alleviate the clinical symptoms of renal failure, it does not fundamentally treat damaged kidneys, to prevent pathological damage continues to expand. For patients with renal failure, dialysis is a temporary remedy for the next step in the treatment of renal repair to provide a better environment within the body, but the treatment of renal failure but also from the recovery of kidney function, the protection of healthy kidney unit point of view The Patients with dialysis for renal failure require special diets and medications. Because of their poor appetite and loss of protein during dialysis, the diet of patients with renal failure often requires foods with very high protein levels, ie about 1 g of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight per day. For patients with hemodialysis, the intake of sodium and potassium should be limited to 2g per day. Also need to limit the intake of foods containing high phosphorus.

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