
Is There Healthy Diet for Improving Kidney Function in Kidney Patients

Kidney disease is no joke in the United States with more 26 million adults suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidney disease is most commonly linked to people with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and those who are older than 60 years old. Renal diets focus on controlling protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and liquids. Following the following dietary tips will do a lot to your kidney function。

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Low sodium foods

Patients with kidney disease usually have edema and high blood pressure. Sodium, or salt plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure and is related to edema. Too much sodium or slat intake will worsen edema and high blood pressure, which may make your kidney function reduce sharply. Therefore, removing high sodium or salt foods in your diet and replacing them with lower sodium/salt foods, and your kidney function can be greatly improved. Foods that are high in sodium include pickles, bacon, canned foods and processed foods, etc.

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do not intake too much protein.

Protein is a necessary substance for a healthy life, but due to kidney damage, people with high creatinine level need to reduce the amount of protein intake and also 60% protein that they intake should be high quality protein which can be found in egg white, milk and fish; and then, keep low potassium and low phosphorus diet

People with high creatinine level usually have higher potassium level and phosphorus level, so foods with high potassium or phosphorus level should be avoided or limited; finally, keep away from meat and at the same time avoid too much physical exercise.

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This is because creatinine is the end product of muscles, including meat taken by us. Thus, people with high level of creatinine should limit meat intake and do less physical exercise, which is beneficial to your kidney function and lower high creatinine level.


For people with kidney disease, their kidneys fail to filter excess potassium out of their body, which will make their kidneys overwhelmed. In this case, they can eat some rich moderately, and this is because rich is a carbohydrate that can provide their body with adequate amounts of energy with low potassium and meet their body needs.

The above are some foods which can help improve kidney function naturally. And patients with kidney disease should depend on their illness conditions to consume moderate amount of foods. Too much or too little both can not come to the efficacy of improving kidney function. If you do not know how much you should eat, you can give your illness conditions to our online doctors, and they will make a diet plan for you.

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