
Itchy Skin, Poor Sleep and Muscle Cramps In Uremia

Uremia, especially dialysis patients, often have these symptoms in the title, not only the high prevalence, but also super annoying.

Comparison of the cup is, although these symptoms are very common, but rarely seriously diagnosed, the data or from the US imperialist to find, China rarely study this.

However, as long as these chop succulent symptoms let our patients live unhappy, we have to rule it a rule, right?

sleep disorder 

Can not sleep, the more common reason is the mood is not good, this this, heart disease also heart medicine ... ...

The other is the blood phosphorus, blood urea nitrogen caused by increased.
High blood phosphorus patients, if you do not have high calcium can be calcium carbonate and calcium acetate, if the high calcium is not used, it is recommended with stilam and lanthanum carbonate.

You can also use long-term hemodialysis at night to significantly improve patient sleep.

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs, is more common but not most people know the disease. It is characterized by the patient to sleep, often feel leg discomfort, or like ants climb the same pain and a sense of tightness, and thus have the urge to swing legs.

This can be improved by exercise, choose the appropriate aerobic exercise in dialysis (such as cycling kick-like movement).

If exercise does not work, you can use low-dose non-ergoline dopamine receptor agonists, or low doses of gabapentin. (After dialysis to give 100 mg, the maximum dose of 300 mg, three times a week)

Uremia itching

Itching may be more, including dialysis is not sufficient, the application of low-pass dialyzer, hepatitis C virus HCV positive, high calcium phosphorus, low serum albumin, high iron protein, current or recent smoking, age and so on.

Another reason there, men than women itch, bad mood more patients itchy.

If it is high phosphorus, dialysis is not sufficient, the first choice in front of the treatment of insomnia approach.

In addition, moisturizer, capsaicin cream, gabapentin, pregabalin are effective, acupuncture, medicine bath (point me) treatment of uremia itching is also effective.

Doctors need to pay attention to dialysis patients 5-year survival rate, 10-year survival rate and so on "hard indicators", but we believe that medical research, but also to the patient's comfort tilt some, after all, have sworn:
"No matter where you are, the only purpose, for the sick man seeking happiness."

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