
Uremic diet is reasonable and proper arrangement

Uremia diet reasonable and proper arrangements! Uremic patients diet Note that the above mentioned these, can not be exhaustive, but also covers the main should pay attention to the place, hope that patients can attract attention, after all, want to get better treatment Is the desire of every uremic patient.

Uremia is to talk about the disease, the severity does not need to talk about what we all understand, but the uremic patients themselves should not be negative treatment, should be actively with the treatment, so as to reduce the harm caused by the disease , Not only with the treatment, in the daily diet should also be noted that the treatment of the disease is very helpful.

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Note the daily diet

1, eat more milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and other animal protein, eat less soy products and other plant protein, because the plant protein utilization is low, will increase the uremia. Elderly patients with protein deficiency are more common. Muscle atrophy, weight loss, the amount of protein required is relatively higher.

2, adequate heat to ensure that the human body protein storage. If the lack of supplement, can lead to malnutrition; add too much can cause hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis and other diseases. Intake of calories to cereal-based food, eat less sugar, fruit type of food. Try to eat less fat, especially animal fat.

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3, food fiber to prevent constipation, but also help to reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The daily requirements of the human body fiber fiber is about 20 grams. Foods are rich in potato (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), coarse grains (cornmeal, sorghum, buckwheat noodles, oatmeal, etc.), vegetables, fruits and hard fruit foods (peanuts, walnuts, etc.). Hemodialysis patients if you eat 270 grams of vegetables a day, you can provide 20 grams of dietary fiber.

4, less urine or dialysis less, high blood potassium patients, must strictly control the high potassium foods, such as pears, bananas and so on. With severe hypertension, edema or higher serum sodium, should control the intake of sodium, daily consumption of salt 4-5 grams or less. Oliguria, hypertension, edema of patients, should also be strictly limited to drinking water, the amount of water should not exceed the daily discharge of urine.

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