
Who says kidney disease can not eat meat

"Nephrotic patients do not eat meat, not healthy!"

Who can we eat kidney disease patients can not eat meat? We just did not find the right way! Today, we have for the majority of patients made a detailed guidance, so that we correctly "eat meat."

Nutritious Foods for Kidney Patients

Red Meat:

Description: a small amount of food

The most suitable for kidney disease patients eat red meat is pork, its main advantage is rich in high quality protein and iron, can effectively supplement the human body needs nutrients.

Good and Bad Foods For Kidney Patients

But the pig lean meat also has a significant drawback, is the high content of saturated fatty acids. Long-term intake of a large number of saturated fatty acids will have adverse effects on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, so we should eat less pork.

Edible method: kidney disease patients eat two or three pork a week, the rest of the time to other meat as a high quality protein source.

How Do Kidney Patients Supplement Protein

Note: Do not eat lamb, dog meat and other red meat.


Description: Suggested consumption

Chicken and other poultry meat compared with red meat, less fat, unsaturated fatty acids higher. Lack of trace elements is less content.

Edible method: Chicken high quality protein content than pork, so the chicken instead of pork should be reduced when the quantitative. At the same time supplemented by fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure the addition of trace elements.

Note: do not eat hot goats such as goat meat.

Freshwater fish:
Description: Occasionally eaten

Nephrotic patients can eat freshwater fish, the unsaturated fatty acid content is high, suitable for blood lipids, high blood pressure in patients.

Nephrotic patients most suitable for eating carp, occasionally edible to ease, stabilize the condition. But some fish have a stimulating effect on the disease, such as silver carp, so to avoid eating.

Edible method: try to steam or stew, and then abandon soup meat.

Animal offal: x

Description: Prohibited to eat

For ordinary people, animal offal rich in fat-soluble vitamins and iron, nutrient-rich; but for kidney disease patients, it is a lot of cholesterol, purine and heavy metal ions in the accumulation of land.

Ordinary people's kidneys can metabolize these harmful substances, kidney disease patients kidney is not enough capacity, causing metabolic burden.

After reading this guide, kidney friends should be how to eat meat is not clear in the heart of it? However, even if healthy food, do not eat too much, otherwise it may cause adverse effects.

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