
Chinese Medicine Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is characterized by immunoglobulin A deposited in glomerular mesangial area. In early stage, it is easily to be reversed with early treatment because kidney still can work properly. Otherwise, it may develop into Kidney Failure. Here we introduce TCM treatments for IgA Nephropathy.

Compared with western medicine, Chinese medicines are natural and healthy for patients with no side effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for you. The active material of the Chinese herbs can combine with the immune complexes, split them and discharge them out of body. Besides, the Chinese medicines can dilate the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase the blood flow in the kidneys, so the immune complexes and extra cellular matrix that caused renal fibrosis can be discharged out.

From the above analysis, we can see the radical treatment for IgA Nephropathy should aim to remove immune complexes out and stop immune-inflammatory reaction. Immunotherapy in our hospital is effective for removing immune complexes and preventing immune-inflammatory reaction. This therapy includes Immune Diagnosis, Immune Tolerance, Immune Clearance, Immune Regulation, Immune Blockage and Immune Protection. Western medicines and Chinese medicines are used together. Western medicines are used to eliminate symptoms while Chinese medicines are used to dissolve immune complexes and remove them out. Besides, they can also repair kidney damage and enhance immune system through dilating your blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. When renal function is improved, symptoms can be relieved radically. And you will avoid relapse.

What is more, they can put more focus on the whole system. Improving one’s physical condition, preventing the occurrence of inducing factors can avoid hematuria and proteinuria effectively.

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