
How to Reduce Creatinine 6.9 in Kidney Failure

"Please tell me solution, now my mother’s Creatinine is 6.9, she takes medicine which is made by doc not antibiotics, but High Creatinine Level is not reduced."

In general, kidney is responsible for eliminating the extra wastes and toxins out of the body effectively and maintains the balance of the whole body. However, when kidney functions are lost more than 50 percent, kidney will be functioning abnormally so that lots of harmful materials will build up in the body that can not be eliminated out, including creatinine. In this case, elevated creatinine level appears.

How to reduce creatinine 6.9 in kidney failure?

Kidney Dialysis is commonly used to prolong life and relieve the severe symptoms. But it can not repair kidney damage at all. Thus if there are no severe symptoms, you also have other alternative therapy to reduce creatinine 6.9.

Toxin-Removing Treatment can not only purify the polluted blood to eliminate these toxins and wastes in the blood but also repair the kidney damage and improve renal function. In a health and clean environment, the natural treatments can take the best effects. This therapy is created on the basis of TCM so that it is natural and safe for both child and adults without side effects.

With the improved kidney function, kidney failure condition can be prevented from uremia and creatinine 6.9 would be reduced naturally and fundamentally.

If you want to know more details about our Toxin-Removing Treatment for high creatinine and avoid dialysis, you can leave a message in the below form or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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