
Why Steroids Can Not Treat Nephrotic Syndrome Completely

Steroid Therapy is the common remedy for Nephrotic Syndrome. But patients may suffer from frequent relapse. Why steroids can not treat Nephrotic Syndrome completely?

1. Long-term glucocorticoids application can cause water, salt, sugar, protein and fat metabolism disorder, and make adrenocortical hyperfunction occur. The manifestation is central obesity, causing calcium absorption disorder, osteoporosis and even spontaneous fracture.

2. Glucocorticoids can decline human body’s ability of preventing disease, benefit for virus growth and spread, to induce or worsen infection.

3. Glucocorticoids can promote proteolysis, delay the development of granulation tissue and prevent injuries or surgical wounds and other ulcers heal.

4. Glucocorticoids have the function of fighting growth hormones. Children take them for a long term will hinder the bone growth and protein synthesis, affecting their growth and development. For the pregnant, glucocorticoids also can cause fetal malformation.

5. Long-term glucocorticoids treatment may cause these original symptoms occur rapidly or go worse if reduce dosage quickly or stop suddenly. Even cause muscle pain, muscle rigidity, joint pain, etc, called withdrawal symptoms.

Is there fundamental treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome?

In face, to treat Nephrotic Syndrome, we have better treatment, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy, a combination of western medicines and herbal medicines, focuses on not only easing patients’ symptoms like proteinuria but also repairing damaged kidney filters, glomeruli. As long as glomeruli are recovered to work again, Nephrotic Syndrome can be treated fundamentally.

Different patients are suitable for different patients. What treatment you can take should depend on your specific condition. If you haven’t found an effective treatment, you can tell us your illness condition through email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or leaving a message.

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