
Will Blood In Urine Affect Kidney Function

Normal urine color is mostly transparent, light yellow or yellow. Usually we often say how this urine so yellow ah, a look that is lit, and then the urine color is dark yellow. But some people also discharged a red or was washed meat-like urine, which shows that health may be a problem. This color of urine is usually called hematuria

What is the cause of hematuria? Will it cause damage to kidney function?

Why is hematuria?

1. Renal inflammation caused by renal congestion and edema, kidney wall mucosa on the permeability of the capillary wall increased, a small amount of red blood cells can be directly through the capillary wall into the urine.

Why Patients with CKD Have Blood in Urine

2. When the kidney inflammation is serious, the kidneys can occur shedding, while shedding a small amount of bleeding.

3. In addition, kidney disease can cause other complications, such as blood diseases, urinary system diseases, which can lead to the emergence of bleeding, the formation of hematuria.

Herbal Treatments for Hematuria with PKD

Does hematuria affect kidney function?

Renal hematuria more common in primary glomerular diseases, such as IgA nephropathy, can also be seen in secondary glomerular diseases such as lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis.

To IgA nephropathy and lupus nephritis as a "representative" for the next:

Hematuria in IgA nephropathy in the performance of two, one is gross hematuria, another common manifestation of asymptomatic hematuria. Less than 10% of patients may show acute renal failure performance, usually self-mitigation.

Lupus nephritis patients with varying degrees of hematuria, about 70% of people have varying degrees of renal damage. Most patients with mild renal damage. Other patients with clinical symptoms, but not to the development of renal insufficiency. Only a small number of kidney damage patients, there will be renal failure.

In general, if the long-term hematuria, it will affect the kidney function. Therefore, patients with kidney disease, in particular, always pay attention to their physical changes, to avoid aggravating the condition.

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