
You Must Know Two Causes Lead To Kidney Disease Relapse

Nephropathy recurrent this problem, so many patients with kidney disease is a headache.

Obviously indicators are negative, and their own obediently go to bed early on time to take medicine, how will relapse? Is my disease no cure?

This series of questions, all point to the recurrence of the disease caused the "culprit": infection, and the use of drugs.

One, infection

Nephrotic patients with their own physical and resistance are low, the immune system has declined, vulnerable to infection. Especially upper respiratory tract infection - cold.

Cold, the virus may be a direct violation of kidney tissue, the virus as an antigen to generate antibody complement, causing immune complex deposition in the kidneys, causing renal inflammatory response. Aggravate the condition, leading to recurrence, and even deterioration of renal function.

So kidney patients in daily life must prevent colds, do this 3:00:

1. Do your own barometer to keep abreast of weather changes;

2. high incidence of cold, in particular, should pay attention to the protection work, away from the source of infection;

3. appropriate to do some exercise (do not do strenuous exercise), improve their resistance.


Second, improper use of drugs

There are two main cases:

1. unauthorized increase or decrease of drugs

This need not say that the efficacy can not play properly, let alone control the disease.

2. medication single

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy And Various Advanced Technics-That Is Why I Am Here

Our hospital on the 3rd floor of the 16-bed Ms. Wang is such a kidney patients, she had just come with severe edema and a lot of proteinuria. Through communication with her learned that in the local hospital treatment only when the use of hormones: prednisone and methylprednisolone, just began to feel good, but not long, edema once again find her, legs even More swollen than before. To the hospital, according to her situation, to retain the use of hormones at the same time, an increase in the application of Chinese medicine clear serum therapy. Half a month of time she whole people "lost", soon to be discharged.

This medication alone, not just a drug, but only with Western medicine.

Various antihypertensive drugs, such as captopril, benazepril, nifedipine, amlodipine, hydralazine, prazosin, etc .; anticoagulant dipyridamole, aspirin, etc .; immunosuppressive agents Drugs include cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide, tacrolimus and so on. These drugs, can not do the disease does not relapse.

So it is recommended that the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, play traditional Chinese medicine, the role of Western medicine to suppress, to achieve the purpose of preventing the recurrence of the disease.

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