
How to Delay the Onset of Dialysis

Dialysis is one way for kidney disease but it can be delayed. Most patients want to delay or even avoid dialysis. Well then, how to delay the onset of dialysis?

Steps to prolong kidney function

Regardless of how a person develops CKD, there are actions an individual can take to prolong kidney function. Smoking causes faster progression of kidney disease, therefore, it’s recommended that those with kidney disease stop smoking. Naturally, eating a healthy diet and getting proper nutrition, losing excess weight and exercising are keys to better health that are completely in the patient's control. In fact, many type 2 diabetics can prevent diabetes by following those steps. People with high blood pressure are advised to limit sodium in their diet. Many doctors believe that avoiding too much protein and phosphorus in the diet may also slow the progression of kidney disease. Research continues on other foods and drugs to see their affect on delaying kidney failure, including: fish oil for IgA nephropathy; dietary intake of antioxidant or anti-inflammatory vitamins and foods; and prescribing the anti-fibrotic drug, pirfenidone, for the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).

For your kidney disease, if you want to delay the onset of dialysis, you need to take treatment that can repair your kidney damage and improve your kidney function. Once your kidney function can work well with more than 20% kidney function, you can avoid dialysis and live a normal life.

In our hospital, we use the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) combined with modern technology and western medicines to remedy the kidney disease. The expert team make a systemic Chinese treatment, including Blood Pollution Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

These therapies aim at purifying your blood and removing more toxins and wastes out, regulating your immune system and stopping the further immune reaction. This can stop the progression of your kidney disease, and it can also supply more essential nutrition to your body, which can stimulate your inherent renal cells and repair your kidney damage.

Through systemic treatment, your kidney function can be improved effectively, and your kidneys can work well, which can prevent dialysis for you. If you want to learn more details of the Chinese treatment to delay the onset of dialysis, you can leave a message below, or you can also send e-mail to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will give more help.

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