
How To Increase Kidney Patients' Resistance To Disease

Nephrotic patients are frail, easy to cold is a common phenomenon, how can we enhance the body resistance to disease?

Today to tell you early, middle and late one thing, to help you adjust the immune system, no longer due to frail and drag the hind legs of cure.

In the morning

To strengthen nutrition in the morning.

Protein is a nutrient, but the protein in the body due to leakage of protein from the urine, resulting in inadequate protein in the body, so very easy to cold sick, so need to add protein. Especially breakfast as the most important meal of the day, the most need to pay attention.

"Doctors, get kidney disease do not need low protein diet?"

Yes, low-protein diet helps patients with disease control, can delay renal failure, many people have kidney disease, because the protein eat more.

However, we must according to their own condition: If you "plasma albumin" lower, or even low to the "hypoproteinemia" level, then the body can not carry disease, the condition will deteriorate. Then need to add protein, which is the basic protection of nutrition.

In addition to the protein, there is appropriate to add vitamins and trace elements, such as in accordance with the norms of the correct use of active vitamin D, appropriate intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.

In the afternoon

This is not just "noon", but also includes six hours before noon, there are 10 hours after noon

In fact, one day

One day need to pay attention to is to maintain peace of mind, do not be sad.

From the Chinese point of view, some patients suffering from kidney disease. Because because of the "seven emotions", emotions refers to "hi, anger, worry, thinking, sad, fear, scared", over anger injury liver, thinking over the injury spleen, sad lungs, fear of kidney injury.

Modern medicine also believes that: people's negative thoughts, can cause physiological changes in chemical substances, so that the body fluids produce toxins.

So often and family friends in good weather, to fresh air, the crowd is not much place and time to take a walk, chatting. Both exercise the body, but also enhance the emotional exchange.

In the evening

Must ensure the quality of sleep at night, every night between 9:00 to 11:00 must go to bed. Before going to bed can be a proper hot water feet, help to sleep as soon as possible to improve the quality of sleep to ensure that the body's resistance to disease.

I often wake up in the morning to find that some kidney friends message time is not right, all morning do not sleep still play mobile phone. You ah, the phone should be loaded "I want to sleep early".

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