
What Fruits Are Good For Kidney Failure Patients

What fruits are good for kidney failure patients? As the saying goes: "One day an apple, the doctor keeps away from me." Common sense tells us that eat fruit beneficial to good health. However, patients with kidney failure is not the same as ordinary people, you can eat what fruit to eat what fruit?

1, grapes

From the nutritional point of view, grapes not only contain minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, but also contains a variety of essential amino acids. Chinese medicine also believes that the grape flavor of sweet acid, spleen, lung, kidney three, eat grapes can play qi and blood, Zishenyi liver role. A large number of medical studies have shown that grapes on the rehabilitation of nephritis patients have a certain degree of adjuvant effect.

It should be noted that the market is very large variety of grapes and colors, the most able to kidney is black grapes. But the grape cool, Wei cold people to be careful, do not eat too much.

2, mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, jujube, sweet and juicy, is one of the often eat fruit, known as the "folk holy fruit." What are the fruits of kidney failure? Chinese medicine that mulberry taste sweet, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, with blood Ziyin, Sheng Jin Runzao and Bugan Yishen role.

In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotene and other ingredients, the effect is particularly prominent for women, often taking beauty can be beauty, anti-aging.

3, black currant

Black currant is also called black currant, black bean fruit, purple plum, black currant high nutritional value. What are the fruits of kidney failure? According to scientists, every 100 grams of black currant which contains 181 mg of vitamin C, 322 mg of potassium and a variety of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron and other substances, with lower blood lipids, kidney, antioxidant and improve immunity Role, it is true for a young and old fruit of the holy goods.

In addition, black gallon also has a high medicinal value, contains biological flavonoids can improve vascular permeability, anti-aging and anti-cancer.

4, black dates

Speaking of dates, we may suddenly think of red dates, jujube sweet flat, there is the effect of qi and blood, is the qi and blood of the holy goods, especially for women.

5, citrus

Citrus not only juice and more delicious, as well as the function of protecting the kidneys. Recently, a new study in the UK found that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, oranges and lemons helped to block kidney cysts (a benign tumor that could lead to loss of renal function, high blood pressure, and general treatment of kidney dialysis) form.

6, pear

Pear taste crisp, sweet taste, pear sex flat sweet, slightly acidic, with Sheng Jin lungs, cough and phlegm, heat Xiehuo and other effects, can help the treatment of lungs caused by cough, bad breath, constipation embolism, Pediatric pertussis also have effect. What are the fruits of kidney failure? Pearls also contain asparagus, the human kidney health has a special effect, but diarrhea patients should be careful.

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