Like a devil, dialysis must be all kidney disease patients trouble. Its side
effects such as vomiting, nausea, skin itching and so on make all patients want
to die. In addition, its high cost also make most patients can’t afford. So, is
there an alternative option for kidney disease patients?
If you have the similar problem, please follow us to read this article or
consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.
If you want to stop dialysis, the most proper and crucial method is doing
your best to improve your renal function. Along with the improved renal
function, you can get rid of dialysis possibly. This method is also suitable for
people who do not start dialysis that they can live a higher life no
Here we recommend a systematic TCM treatment—Toxin-Removing Treatment, which
can repair the damaged kidney tissues and intrinsic cells and improve renal
function from the root. It is a great innovation through years of clinical
experience by the renal expert team.
First of all, Toxin-Removing Treatment will discharge the excess toxins and
wastes from the body so as to create healthy and clean internal environment. And
then the Chinese medicines can perform their functions effectively to help
repair kidney lesion and improve renal function with Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, medicated bath, moxibustion therapy, acupuncture
therapy, etc.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a great innovation of Traditional
Chinese Medicine and differs from traditional treatments that it is an external
application therapy. Therefore, patients do not worry about its side effects and
discomfort. The Chinese Medicines are made into powder put in two bags. Combined
with advanced osmotic machine, the active ingredients come into kidney tissues
directly. Through the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilating
blood vessels, and degrading extracellular matrix, this therapy can provide
favorable internal environment for repairing damaged kidney tissues and
improving kidney function.
With the improved kidney function, it has great chance of reducing the
dialysis frequency or even getting off dialysis.