
Why Transplanted Kidney Failed Again for 5 Years, Creatinine 12

My Creatinine is 12 and hemoglobin is 9. My kidney got already transplanted 5 years ago but again failed. Can it be cured? Why transplanted kidney failed again?

Kidney Transplant is a perfect choice for patients in the final stage of CKD. However, is it really as simple as we think? If you have the similar problem about kidney transplant, please follow us to read this article or consult ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.

A successful kidney transplant can really help some patients live a normal life and prolong their life time to a large extent. However, not every patient who receives kidney transplant is that lucky, some patients have to face the risk of recurrence, which is related to many factors like the types of primary diseases, whether the living habit and eating habit after kidney transplant are healthy, etc. For example, FSGS patients have to face with a high relapse rate, and it can even reach up to 50%; while PKD cases usually do not have such a high relapse rate. The increase of creatinine can be a sign of relapse of the condition, if the condition can not be controlled well, patients have to go back to dialysis treatment or receive another kidney transplant, which is something patients do not want to see.

What to do after transplanted kidney failed again?

If you do not want to take second kidney transplant, alternative of transplant should be taken. To some extent, Kidney Dialysis can cleanse blood for kidney environment, while it is unable to restore kidney lesion fundamentally.

TCM treatments are strongly recommended, which are collectively called Toxin-Removing Treatment. They can not only cleanse blood to create a good and healthy environment for kidney self-healing and further medication but also increase renal function. Along with your increased renal function, High Creatinine Level 12 will lower naturally and kidney ischemia and anoxia condition relieve well thus hemoglobin will increase also.

In order to avoid the second kidney transplant, we must focus on saving kidney. You can click here Do You Believe I Avoid the Second Kidney Transplant Successfully to learn about a successful case, and we hope it could give you hopes and confidence.

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