
Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Failure without Dialysis

Although dialysis takes effects in helping patients eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body, it often makes patients suffer from many adverse effects, thereby, patients are wondering that can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure without dialysis ? Please send your present condition to WhatsApp/Wecat +008618330110929.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a perfect combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and high technology—osmoscope. It differs from the traditional treatments, which is an external application therapy without discomfort and pain.
Due to various factors such as longer term of high blood pressure, diabetes, genetic kidney disorder, kidney infections, the kidney is unable to work well. Normally, the kidney works to remove out wastes products and toxins out of body properly. When the kidney can not work well, more and more toxins will build up in your blood, leading to high creatinine level. Besides, patients with high creatinine level often displayed symptoms of headache, poor appetite, fatigue, muscle cramping and insomnia. To some extent, these symptoms and complications affect patients’ life seriously.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure?

According to the patient’s specific illness and the physical condition, doctors will choose some medicines as materials. They will be micronized into fine powder and then put into small bags. When the treatment starts, patients just need to lie on the bed comfortably. Two medicine bags will be put right on the kidney area. With the help of osmotic machine, the active materials of Chinese medicines can be permeated into kidney directly and effectively.

This therapy has been proven to be effective for CKD or other Kidney Disease. It can help repair damaged kidney so as to block the process of renal fibrosis and restore renal function from the root. Gradually the medicines can eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria and control complications, such as lowering the risk of heart problems. Thus kidney failure progression will be prevented naturally. In this way, the patient has chance of living higher quality life without Dialysis.

Are you suffering from kidney failure ? Do you want to know more details about how natural treatment treat kidney failure ? Please send your present condition and phone number to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you.

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