
Foods to Avoid with High Creatinine Level

A reasonable diet plays an important role for kidney disease patients to lower their high creatinine level, as some foods may accelerate their illness and further increase their serum creatinine. Well then, what are the foods to avoid with high creatinine level?

Creatinine is the creatine which is an important part in muscle.As it is normally filtered by kidneys,it can keep at constant levels.However,when the kidneys fail to work adequately to filter blood.Creatinine will build up in body,thus resulting in high creatinine levels.

High creatinine level implies kidneys have been damaged severely. In that cases, not only creatinine, but also many other toxic substances accumulate in blood. Therefore, when serum creatinine increases to a certain level, dialysis or kidney transplant is needed to purify blood. For kidney disease patients whose serum creatinine has become higher than the normal range, if they eat freely, much more wastes will be formed. Consequently, their creatinine level will be higher, which may ask them to do dialysis early.

Foods to avoid with high creatinine level

From the above information, we can learn that for kidney disease patients, creatinine level increases as kidneys fail to discharge excess creatinine in blood. Under such a condition, patients need to:

Avoid foods that can produce more creatinine. Creatinine is the waste produce of meat, so eating less meat is necessary for kidney disease patients.

High-salt foods should be avoided.Excess salt intake can cause retention of fluids and sodium to cause or worsen high blood pressure.High blood pressure is a major risk in worsening renal function.

Based on blood work,the amount of potassium and phosphorus in diet should also be restricted.

Avoid foods that can worsen kidney condition. With the decrease of kidney condition, creatinine level will become higher and higher. For this reason, any foods that may worse kidney condition should be avoided. To protect residual kidney function, kidney disease patients generally need to stay far away from high protein foods, high salt foods, high potassium foods and high potassium foods, as these foods can increase kidney burden and accelerate illness. (Send message to kidneycares@hotmail.com to get food lists that are high in potassium, phosphorus, salt and protein)

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