
Good Vegetables for Patients with High Creatinine

Creatinine levels measure how well your kidneys are functioning.High creatinine levels occurs when your kidneys fail to work adequately.A balanced diet plays an important role in protecting renal function and improve your overall health.What fruits and vegetables are good to people with high creatinine levels?


Cucumbers are known as natural kidney-cleansers. Several studies have shown that eating cucumbers regularly helps to regulate uric acid and lower high creatinine levels in the body. Cucumbers are delicious, low-calorie and powerful antioxidants.

Garlic and onion

Some studies have shown that garlic can protect kidneys from free radical-mediated damage, onion contains PGA prostaglandin, a natural leptuntic which has an effect on lowering high blood pressure. In view of this, garlic and onion are good vegetables for patients with high creatinine levels.

-Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are a good source of vitamin C, A and B-6, folic acid, fiber and the antioxidant lycopene.These compounds can reduce the risk of anemia in Kidney Disease and can improve overall health.


Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and fiber and contains compounds that can help improve renal function.Thus,it can help lower high creatinine levels.

It is impossible for us to list all the good vegetables for patients with high creatinine levels. If you still have any follow-up questions about diet suggestions for high creatinine level, you can leave a message below or email to 1411835675@qq.com, our experts will surely reply you to help you manage the condition well.

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