
is oat good for kidney patient

The person with Chronic Kidney Disease is always reminded that a healthy diet plays a great role in the whole treatment. CKD patient, who loves to eat oatmeal, may not control themselves to ask “is oatmeal good for people with Chronic Kidney Disease”. Today, we are here to give them a satisfying answer.

The person with Chronic Kidney Disease is always reminded that a healthy diet plays a great role in the whole treatment. CKD patient, who loves to eat oatmeal, may not control themselves to ask “is oatmeal good for people with Chronic Kidney Disease”. Today, we are here to give them a satisfying answer.

Made from oats, oatmeal contains high fibers, vitamin B1, B2 and E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese. These minerals mainly have several benefits as the following introduces.

◆ The high fiber is able to help lower blood fat and prevent Diabetes. High blood fat and Diabetes, common complications of Chronic Kidney Disease, easily cause further kidney damage. Thereby, preventing high blood pressure and Diabetes is very necessary for CKD patients.

◆ Anti-freezing: Researches reveal that eating 6g of oatmeal one daily has an obvious effect in lowering the blood viscosity to prevent thrombus.

◆ Control patients’ weight: With the lifestyle change, more and more patients are suffering from overweight that may cause some other healthy problems.
 Normalizing patients’ weight is good to help avoid some severe complications.

◆ Prevent cancer: According to traditional Chinese medicine and the international researches about tumor, oatmeal does have an effect in preventing the growth of tumor.

In fact, there don’t have a definite answer to the question is oat meal good for the kidneys, which need to depend on your own specific illness conditions. Of course, you can send us your medical history sheet as soon as possible, our kidney experts will work out the best diet plan just for you.

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