
Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome With Proteinuria

Proper meal plans can slow the progression to kidney failure, so choose what to eat is very important for kidney disease patients. Here is a meal plan for Nephrotic Syndrome.

Appropriate protein intake

It is necessary for a Nephrotic Syndrome patient to pay attention to his protein intake, as both low protein intake and high protein intake are harmful. High protein intake will worsen kidney condition and low protein intake may affect physical condition, so founding out how much protein to ingest everyday is very important for Nephrotic Syndrome.

Besides, patients are suggested to take high quality protein food, which has few metabolites, such as:
- Egg white
- Fish
- Milk
- Lean meat
- Pulses

Low salt diet

Low salt diet not only helps to lower kidney burden, but also plays an important part in lowering blood pressure and remitting swelling symptom. Therefore, remember to add less salt while cooking. Also, try to avoid various salted foods and sauces.

Fat or cholesterol intake

Because patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have the symptom of hyperlipidemia, it is necessary to control the intake of fat or cholesterol. Therefore, the following foods should be avoided:

Fried foods such as French fries, cookies and crackers
Processed meat such as sausages and lamb
Fast foods that include cheese hamburger
Seafood such as lobsters and oil packed fish
Dairy products like ice-cream, cheese, margarine and butter

However, you can choose some foods that contain rich omega-3 fatty acids, such as:

- Flaxseed
- Canola oil
- Olive oil
- Soy nuts
- Walnuts

A good diet plan is very beneficial for bringing Nephrotic Syndrome into control, so please follow on the above principles strictly if you are a patient with Nephrotic Syndrome.

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