
what is the effective way for proteinuria in Lupus Nephritis

Proteinuria in lupus nephritis brings patients much worry about their health. They may be so distressed by the difference from others and need some help. We have several effective treatments for proteinuria in lupus nephritis. Let’s learn one of the treatments now.


Due to the underlying cause of the disease is immune disorder, so, the core purpose of the method is to recover the normal function of immune system.

There are six steps in the therapy, they are immune diagnosis, immune blocking, immune clearance, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. By the six steps, a normal immune system can be rebuilt, and the reoccurrence rate can be lowered effectively.

Immunotherapy can improve immunity by six steps:

1. Immune diagnose

The aim is to find toxic and harmful elements of specificity in the kidney. This is the base of later treatment.

2. Immune clear

To excrete circulating immune complexes in blood and other toxic and harmful elements out by blood purification technique.

3. Immune blocking

To block the aggressive inflammatory responses in kidney area through all kinds of immunosuppressive drugs.

4. Immune tolerance

To make coexisting of renal cells and immune complexes by continuously resisting aggressive inflammatory responses.

5. Immune adjustment

To repair inherent immune system and eliminate immune complexes by promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis.

6. Immune protecting

To repair and rebuild inherent immune system by Yiqi health and cell treatments.

In addition, lupus nephritis patients should avoid coffee, chocolate, spicy, cold foods so as to reduce the stimulation to kidneys. They should also quit smoking and drinking, keep a healthy lifestyle. Some physical exercises are also necessary, such as yoga, Tai Chi, walking, jogging and so on.

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