
Internal and External Traditional Chinese medicine for kidney disease

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment: one person, individualized treatment
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chronic renal failure involves the five internal organs in the location, mainly spleen and kidney. It is believed that the disease is caused by edema, lymphatic syndrome, low back pain and other diseases. It can be a deficient performance and should belong to Chinese medicine Guange,Shenlao, Nidu.

In clinical practice, nephropathy is usually divided into 7 syndrome types, namely spleen and kidney deficiency, wet turbidity and internal cessation syndrome, spleen and kidney yang deficiency syndrome, yin and yang deficiency syndrome, wet turbid syndrome, water and gas syndrome, blood stasis syndrome, and wind dynamometer . Clinically, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine is applied to the treatment, and the principles of tonifying the spleen and tonifying the kidney, reducing turbidity, benefiting the water, removing phlegm, and extinguishing the wind are adopted, and a variety of suitable prescriptions are formed for individualized treatment. One person, one party, Has achieved good results.
With the progress of pharmacology research of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has not adhered to syndrome differentiation treatment for chronic renal failure, but has combined treatment of disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation and modern Chinese medicine pharmacology. According to modern pharmacological research, the toxic effect of drugs is abandoned and targeted. The special prescriptions, such as the Chinese herbal medicine decoction “
Astragalus decoction for lowering turbid” in our hospital, have achieved remarkable curative effect in clinical application.

External treatment of traditional Chinese medicine: multi-channel administration
The traditional Chinese medicine treatment has a long history and is widely used. In recent years, the external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine has been applied to the treatment of chronic renal failure, and various routes of administration have achieved remarkable effects.

Traditional Chinese medicine bath foot: Studies have shown that Chinese medicine bath foot therapy can promote blood circulation, increase renal blood flow, and regulate the function of organs. There are 3 series of 15 commonly used prescriptions in our hospital. They are selected according to different diseases, different syndromes and different seasons. They are personalized and individualized treatments, and have excellent curative effect in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases.

Chinese medicine colon perfusion dialysis: the use of large-capacity dialysate constant temperature introduction device for intestinal cleaning, colon dialysis, colonic administration, safe, non-invasive, low cost, affirmative effect. As a third dialysis treatment method after hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, traditional Chinese medicine colon perfusion dialysis plays an increasingly important clinical role in the treatment of chronic renal failure.

Acupoint ultrasound electrotherapy: Acupoint ultrasound electrotherapy stimulates the effective acupuncture points of the human body through special frequency electric waves, regulates the human nervous system, vascular system, endocrine system and human immune system, and promotes the repair of renal function. It can significantly reduce blood muscle liver and reduce by clinical verification. Urinary protein, markedly improve edema and other symptoms, have a good effect on urinary tract irritation (urinary frequency, urgency, urinary pain) in patients with repeated urinary tract infections.

Chinese medicine acupoint application: Chinese medicine acupoint sticking therapy for chronic renal failure, inspired by Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" acupoint sticking therapy. Our hospital has been used as a topical ointment with traditional Chinese medicine experience prescriptions, applied to the corresponding acupoints, used to treat various kidney diseases, and broadened the application range of Chinese medicine acupoint application, with good results.

Acupoint injection of traditional Chinese medicine: Acupoint injection therapy uses certain specific Chinese and Western medicine injections to inject the relevant acupoints of the human body, so that the double stimulation of acupuncture and drugs on the acupuncture points can be organically combined. The drug stays at the acupoints for a longer period of time, which can enhance the therapeutic effect. , to play its comprehensive effectiveness and improve efficacy.

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