
How To Treat Lupus Nephritis By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been proven to be effective for Lupus Nephritis(LN) and it has been getting more and more popular. Well then how does micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help Lupus Nephritis? Read on the article and you will find the answer.
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a novel traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) remedy. Chinese herb medicine is used externally to help achieve curative effects including expand the blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrade and remove the blood stasis like immune complex deposits. In case of renal failure, herbal medicine can work to inhibit further decline of kidney function, repair the impaired kidneys and promote the overall renal function.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat Lupus Nephritis?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external therapy, which is more effective in treating kidney disease.
In treating kidney disease, Chinese medicines that are prescribed will be grinded into powder, and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can transport the effective ingredients through patient’s skin into the diseased area more directly. Besides, this therapy can make patient’s kidney has a better circumstance, which can guarantee oxygen and nutrients being transported into the diseased area, and that is very important for the treatment and recovery.
Usually, Chinese medicine has the shortage of needing a long time to have effect, but after combining Chinese medicine with modern advanced osmotic therapy, these medicines can have effect more effectively, which will also improve the effect obviously.

The above introduces how does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help LN. More importantly, osmotherapy helps repair damaged kidneys and improve kidney function. Some people only take western medicines to control symptoms. At the beginning, the result is good, but after a while it easily relapses. On the contrary, Chinese medicine therapy can avoid the relapse and cure the disease from the root.

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