
Is Papaya Good for Chronic Kidney Failure Patients

Is papaya good for Chronic Kidney Failure patients? Papaya is famous for its property of beauty, but in fact, it has many other health benefits. For people with kidney failure, whether they can consume papaya depends on the nutrition within papaya and their illness condition.

What benefits does papaya have to people?

1. Improve immunity

Papaya is proved to have the function of improving our immunity. Because it contains much water, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and rich useful mineral elements, which can supply our needs and enhance our immunity.

2. Keep digestive health

Papaya can help us digest, because papain can promote breaking down proteins and clean the digestive tract.

3. Prevent infections

Papaya can kill intestinal worms effectively, thus, eating it can avoid infections.

4. Lose weight

Papaya is a natural food that can help us loose weight. At noon or night, eating a bowl full of papaya after meal is good for us.

5. Skin care

Papaya protease can kill dead cells and purify the skin, and the most of important is that it can treat sunburn and irritated skin. So many women make mask by themselves taking papaya as row material.

When should kidney failure patients avoid papaya?

With the decline of kidney function, more and more kidney failure symptoms or complications will appear. If these patients have the following problems, they may need to stay away from this fruit.

- High potassium level

- No urine output

- Low blood pressure during dialysis treatment

- Pain during urination

Some other conditions may also restrict the amount of papaya consumption. To eat it safely and healthily, you can ask help from kidney dietitian here. Leave a message below or send email to 1411835675@qq.com. Either is OK.

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