
Is it Good for Kidney Failure Patients to Eat Litchis

The litchi is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China,and now cultivated in many parts of the world. The fresh fruit has a "delicate, whitish pulp" with a floral smell and a fragrant, sweet flavor. Since this perfume-like flavor is lost in the process of canning, the fruit is usually eaten fresh. It is eaten in many different dessert dishes, and are especially popular in China, throughout Southeast Asia, along with South Asia and parts of Southern Africa. Then,is it good for patients with Kidney Failure patients to eat litchis?

Litchi has high popularity among people, especially for patients. Litchi fruit also has many benefits that can help Chronic Kidney Disease.

Increase immunity

Litchi is the source of vitamins especially vitamin C. Vitamin C helps patients improve immunity to fight against infectious agents and scavenge harmful substance. Vitamin C is good for our skin, tissues, and bones. Besides, Litchi also aids in digestion to get the utmost nutrition for the body. Furthermore, Litchi also contains lots of Vitamin B that help the body to reduce protein, metabolize carbohydrates and fats. It also can improve the function of liver and other organs.

How Can The Litchi Fruit Help Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4

Prevent high blood pressure

A research revealed that antioxidants foods can help lower high blood pressure and litchi contains abundant antioxidants. Litchi also contains a great amount of potassium that can maintain sodium and it can help to lower high blood pressure and reduce the possibility to get stroke and heart attack. But if you have high level potassium, you should limit the intake of litchi.

Prevent heart disease

Litchi is rich in dietary fiber that can improve cardiovascular health by provided enough nutrition. Litchi has been proved to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, thus it improves blood flow and reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Litchi also contains plentiful Oligonol that rises blood circulation, decreases post exercise exhaustion.

But in fact,litchi is not good for Kidney Failure patients. High sugar in it will increase the renal burden or even worsen their kidney damage. Besides,in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),litchi is hot in nature,so too much intake of it may cause inflammation. For patients with Kidney Failure,it is not suitable for them to eat.

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