
Can Kidney Patients Drink Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the important milk substitutes that made from ground almonds. It has many health benefits and is deeply loved by many people. However, for kidney failure patients, because of their special illness condition, they need to be extremely cautions about foods they eat, as improper diet will worsen their illness. Duet o the restrict dietary principles, many kidney failure patients wonder if they can have almond milk.

Almond is rich in protein, fat, sugar and vitamin, which is beneficial for our human. It can reduce the cholesterol and plays an important role in preventing the CVD (Cardiovascular Disorder). In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), it is commonly used to help patients with lung dryness and breath with cough. Based on the latest research results of America, people with high cholesterol, the intake of almond can reduce it and protect the heart health. Really, it really reduce the risk of Heart Disease to some extent.

So is it means that almond milk good for Kidney Failure patients?

1. Almond milk is high in vitamin

Almond milk does taste like milk and it has its own unique flavor: light, nutty and crisp with high levels of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and so on. For kidney failure patients, because of strict dietary limitation, they may not ingest enough vitamin, so drinking almond milk will help them to replenish vitamin.

2. Almond milk is rich in minerals

Aside from abundant vitamin, almond milk also is rich in minerals like calcium and potassium. Kidney failure patients suffer from low calcium in blood which may bring them various bone problems like bone pain and bone fracture. Therefore, for some kidney failure patients, they can drink some almond milk.

3. Compared with milk and soy milk, almond milk is low in protein

Kidney failure patients need to limit protein intake as high protein intake will increase kidney burden and worsen proteinuria symptom, which can lead to the acute progression of kidney disease. Therefore, to protect residual kidney function, limiting protein intake is necessary. In this light, kidney failure patients can have almond milk.

4. Almond milk is rich in potassium

Although almond milk has many health benefits, not everyone with kidney failure can drink almond milk. We know there are different kinds of kidney problem like Polycystic Kidney Disease, IgA Nephropathy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy and Nephrotic Syndrome and so on. Among these kidney problems, some of them will bring patients high potassium level and in such a condition, patients need to limit potassium intake. Therefore, for kidney failure patients who have high potassium level in blood, drinking less almond milk is necessary.

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