
Is Dialysis A Radical Therapy For IgA Nephropathy

Can dialysis cure IgA Nephropathy radically? Dialysis is often recommended to help kidney disease patients. However, dialysis can not cure IgA Nephropathy from the root. Here we will tell you why dialysis is not the radical treatment for IgA Nephropathy.
What is IgA Nephropathy?
IgA Nephropahy is caused by autoimmune disorder. In people with immune disorder, the immune system releases extra IgA in the blood which forms masses called immune complexes in the blood. The immune complexes are harmful to your health. And once they are carried to kidneys, they will cause excessive inflammation to hurt the kidneys.
we get that IgA Nephropathy results from the immune complexes in the blood which lodges in the kidneys.In the early stage of IgA Nephropathy, the small size immune complexes are full of the blood. Dialysis is used to remove the toxins in the blood and helps to remove the small sized immune complexes in the blood. This hampers the IgA immune deposition in kidneys and avoids kidney damages.
Why dialysis is not a radical therapy for IgA Nephropathy?
This is because dialysis only deals with the small sized toxins, but leaves the middle or large waste products in the blood, which also causes kidney damages. Besides, dialysis fails to manage the impaired kidney tissues.
What is a radical therapy for IgA Nephropathy?
It is commonly used in the clinic to help stop IgA Nephropathy progression and avoid dialysis. Compared with those traditional medicines and methods, you need not worry any side effects and relapse because all the medicines used are coming from the nature and disinfected strictly. What is more, it is a new development of Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Foreign patients describe it as Chinese massage, very comfortable.

As long as you treat your IgA Nephropathy from the root, you can avoid relapse and dialysis.

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