
Kidney Failure Symptoms

Many people may be in the early stages of kidney disease and not have any indication something is wrong with their kidneys. There are certain symptoms, however, that could be a sign you have kidney failure, When kidney failure (also called renal failure) is detected in the early stages, there are steps you can take to help slow the progression of kidney disease and improve your quality of life.
kidney failure symptoms due to accumulation of wastes in your body
A metallic taste in the mouth or ammonia breath
Protein aversion (no longer wanting to eat meat)
Nausea and vomiting
Difficulty concentrating
Loss of appetite
Itchiness (pruritis)
kidney failure symptoms due to excessive fluid in the body
swelling in the face, hands or feet and even your whole body
shortness of breath when fluid spread to your lung
kidney failure symptoms due to damages on your kidneys
urine changes including more or less urine, blood in urine, bubbly or foamy urine
kidney failure symptoms due to anemia
shortness of breath
mental confusion
feel cold all the time
desire to chew ice, clay or laundry starch

Often, early kidney problems don't have many symptoms—but if you are experiencing any of the ones mentioned above, you will want to your doctor to determine if your signs are caused by kidney failure.

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