
What Is The Cause Of Nephrotic Syndrome In Children

Nowadays more and more children are suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome (NS). Parents are worried about their children’s condition. Well then what is the pathological factor of NS in children? Can NS be cured from the root? Our experts will introduce it in detail.
Experts pointed out that the child is suffering from kidney disease after renal comprehensive exhibit obvious "three high and one low" performance, namely: the performance of a large number of proteinuria PRO, not the same degree of edema, hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia. Meanwhile parents of children with renal kidney specialist told comprehensive variety of causes of morbidity caused by a group of clinical syndromes. The following is a detailed explanation of the pathogenesis of renal ensemble together look:
1) primary nephrotic
Concerned with the patient's own immune system can be divided into simple nephropathy and lupus nephritis nephropathy.
Lupus nephritis nephropathy usually a child over the age of seven with the disease and more. In addition to the performance of the sick child more common manifestations of some kidney disease, as well as high blood pressure, membrane proliferation, hyperplasia.
Simple nephropathy usually sick child's age is relatively small, more common in children 2-7 years old children. Suffering and more performance for the endoscopic occult blood and high blood pressure. The vast majority of patients there is minimal change nephropathy.
2) secondary nephrotic
Systemic lupus erythematosus, allergic purpura, drugs or heavy metal poisoning, malaria and so on.
The experts also explain some patients with nephrotic congenital renal insufficiency, but this is relatively rare.

Read more to explain your child to understand the etiology of renal ensemble it! If you have any more questions related to renal comprehensive nephrotic kidney disease can feel free to contact experts directly with patients or in patients with kidney disease to kidney hospital nationwide survey on my website belongs Please kidney specialist hospital eliminating A puzzled face to face for the patient to develop the best treatment plan for the patient.

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