
Can Chinese Enema Therapy Lower High BUN In Kidney Failure

Chinese Enema Therapy is a typical TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that can help people to eliminate toxins and relieve their condition. Here we will introduce to you how does Chinese enema therapy lower high blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in kidney failure.
Chinese Enema Therapy can help you more to solve your some secret sorrow. For most of Kidney Failure patients,owing to the renal damage,constipation,weakness,nausea and emesis are common in their daily life,which have effected their health severely.
Proper Chinese Enema Therapy can reduce patients’ renal function and eliminate the toxin in body,easing the developing of renal lesions. By this,it reduce the accumulation of toxin in body and patients skin itch will be relieved. Besides,it can also inhibit the proteolysis to decrease the level of BUN and Scr. And it is also beneficial to urine and ease patients disease condition. The more important is that Chinese Enema Therapy plays an important role in improve Kidney Failure patients’ renal function. In clinic,the level of BUN and Scr have been controlled effectively. At the same time,patients’ proteinuria and Ccr (Creatinine Clearance Rate) also show the improvement of renal function.
Chinese Enema Therapy is just one of our characteristic Chinese medicine treatments. We also have Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath,Foot Bath, Mai Kang Composition and so on. Usually Chinese enema therapy is combined with the above Chinese medicine treatment to relieve kidney failure. The combined Chinese medicine treatments can achieve a better therapeutic effects.

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