
Can Hormonotherapy Treat IgA Nephropathy

Most of kidney disease patients are familiar with glucocorticoids for it can help them inhibit their disease and relieve their pain. But can Hormonotherapy treat IgA Nephropathy? Is it good for IgA Nephropathy?
In clinic,owing to the renal damage,proteinuria and hematuria are common symptoms that will lead to many serious problems. In order to control and delay the exacerbation of renal disease,,some medicines are necessary for patients to be used to ease their condition. Like ACEI,ARB,CTX,glucocorticoids and so on.
Hormonotherapy can help kidney disease patients relieve their disease and take control of their disease. Glucocorticoids are common to be used to inhibit patients’ inflammatory response and reduce infections,controlling their disease condition. In fact,it may be more useful to ease CKD patients’ disease condition. If patents have received Kidney Transplant,it can also relieve the rejection reaction and prolong the Kidney life. Besides,it can also ease patients’ rash or organ damage.
But glucocorticoids is not always good for patients’ disease condition,especially for sick children. Long-term medications will also reduce patients’ immunity and aggravate their renal lesions. If you are looking for some other therapies,we are glad to recommend you to take some innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Maybe Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is more suitable for your disease condition. The key is that it offers a chance for all of kidney disease patients a chance to live a better life.

Hormonotherpy does do some help for patients with IgA Nephropathy. However, long time use of it will cause some side effects. Chinese Medicine is a better therapy and it is much favored by IgA Nephropathy patients.

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