
Is Dialysis A Must For PKD Treatment

Polycystic kidney disease is a very high probability of the onset of kidney disease that is there will be hereditary, caused physical harm to the people is great, a lot of people like to use dialysis therapies to treat diseases and polycystic kidney dialysis must do, a lot of patients want to know, experts pointed out that the initial time on dialysis, or have a certain effect, then, polycystic kidney dialysis must do, let's look at the experts do description:
Polycystic kidney dialysis must do, we must focus on patients, dialysis therapy we can only play a supporting role in the treatment of polycystic kidney dialysis must do, can be used in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease uremia by polycystic kidney disease peripheral vascular dilation, accelerate blood circulation wall, another cyst wall inhibiting the distribution of skin treatment to prevent cysts continue to increase. Also in the course of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine also added organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to repair the kidneys, eventually preventing further deterioration of kidney disease. This is the best treatment for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
Increasing the lead to two renal cysts were increased, especially in the left kidney, which led to serious damage to the left kidney function, excretion of toxic function to reduce and eventually had to be removed. Now charged with two kidneys kidney function, because the same damage, and thus cause a lot of toxins accumulate in the body of uremic patients with polycystic kidney, causing elevated creatinine, metabolic waste retention, water and electrolyte imbalance, severe systemic damage. At this point in correcting optic nerve damage, based on the application of anti-infective blood transfusion together with symptomatic treatment, so that the patient's condition stabilized.
Advanced Micro Devices, multi-target therapy not only can effectively inhibit the source of cystic fluid, but also be able to gradually soften the cyst, and thus to reduce the cyst has a very important role. Treat the disease must be treated, not blind to the effect, so as not to delay treatment, disease progression, to patients with more severe injuries.
These are the experts on polycystic kidney dialysis it must be related to introduction, I believe that many of the patients have a certain understanding of this therapy is not the best treatment approach can only play a supporting role temporarily, in order to completely of treatment, or to choose according to their own illness therapy.

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