
What Are Symptoms Of High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a product of human muscle metabolism. In the human muscle creatine and creatinine mainly formed slowly by an irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction, and then released into the blood, the excretion with the urine. So why would high serum creatinine and total body muscle closely, less susceptible to diet affected. Creatinine is a small molecule substances ball through glomerular filtration, few will be absorbed in the renal tubules again, creatinine body produces daily, almost all with the urine, urine is generally not affected.
The main symptoms of high creatinine values are the following:
1 eyelid edema often start (start with lower limb edema in some patients start), serious systemic spread even pleural effusion and ascites.
2 Hypertension is one of the high-performance creatinine values.
3 frequent urination (more often), urgency (wait any longer urine), dysuria (painful urination lower abdomen and urinary tract).
4 Most of dull back pain, surgical disorders can be severe cramps.
5 hematuria that urine contains blood cells, or occult blood test shows positive (plus sign).
6 more urine over 2500 ml of urine every day and night called multiple.
7 little or no urine is less than 400 ml per day and night called oliguria, called no less than 100 milliliters of urine.

8 of foam in urine may be increased urinary protein expression, protein positive urine tests are reliable evidence of increased urinary protein.

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