
Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Eat Garlic

Is it OK for IgA Nephropathy patients to eat garlic? IgA Nephropathy is one common kidney disease that has a close link with autoimmune disorder. Therefore, foods with the property of antioxidant may be good for these patients. Garlic is just one antioxidant food. Well then, can IgA Nephropathy patients eat garlic?
In most cases, IgA Nephropathy patients can eat moderate amount of garlic. However, if they have constipation, gastrointestinal disease or allergic reactions, they need to stay away from garlic.
1. Regulate blood circulation
In our body, clean and normal blood circulation is a guarantee for healthy kidneys and immune system. Once less blood flows into kidneys, kidney inherent cells will be damaged gradually. Garlic contains some substances which have the antioxidant property just like vitamin C. These nutritions can improve blood circulation and slow down the blood vascular aging.
2. Reduce high blood pressure
Garlic contains certain substance that has an effect of dilating blood vessels, so as to boost blood circulation and lower high blood pressure. For people with IgA Nephropathy, high blood pressure is one sign of bad IgA Nephropathy prognosis. For this reason, if you have hypertension, you can consume some garlic.
3. Have health benefits of sterilization and anti-inflammation
A lot of IgA Nephropathy patients suffer from at least one time upper respiratory infection. Garlic is one food that can help boost patients’ immune system and protect them from infections and inflammatory reaction.

Apart from the above health benefits of garlic on IgA Nephropathy, garlic has other health benefits. Due to limited space here, we cannot list all of them here. If you want to learn more its information, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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