
Can Kidney Failure Be Cured

Can kidney failure be cured? The symptoms and causes of renal failure are complex. It is very dangerous for patients and affects patients’ life greatly. According to the severity of renal damage, it can be divided into four stages. Therapeutic effect of each stage is different. Therefore, many kidney failure patients want to know whether the disease can be cured or not.
Kidney experts say: The main treatment for kidney failure and kidney transplantation have dialysis treatment, the specific treatment methods are as follows:
1. dialysis treatment: Currently rely on dialysis to prolong the lives of patients with renal failure, this treatment can quickly relieve symptoms of kidney failure, but dialysis is a form of alternative therapy, once stopping dialysis or long-term dialysis, his condition will rebound. And dialysis will bring a series of complications. Long-term dialysis patients do blood, kidneys will slowly shrink, after shrinking kidneys no blood, can not produce urine, the body can not produce urine, then drink the water can not be discharged, this time even more intractable of kidney failure.
2. kidney transplantation therapy: Although renal transplantation therapy can prolong the lives of patients, to get rid of kidney failure problems, but rejection after kidney transplantation is difficult to avoid, so patients should continue taking anti-rejection drugs, patients need to take anti-rejection drugs for life, rejection is the question renal transplant patients may face at any time. In addition, kidneys rare, and the cost of a kidney transplant is not an ordinary family which can afford.
Since these two common treatment methods are not effective in the treatment of kidney failure, then there is no better way to cure kidney failure can achieve the purpose of it?
Kidney experts pointed out: the possibility of a complete cure of kidney failure is very small, but as long as the patient to choose the right therapy, then there is great hope to achieve clinical cure effect, like a normal life.

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