
Can Lupus Nephritis Be Cured By Chinese Herbal Medicine

Can Lupus Nephritis be cured by Chinese herbal medicine? Lupus Nephritis is an important and potentially serious symptom of lupus. It is estimated that about 1/3 of people with lupus will develop nephritis. If Lupus Nephritis can not be controlled well, the condition can develop into Renal Failurewithin several years. The following is the information of Chinese herbal medicine on lupus nephritis.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicines for lupus nephritis are mainly oral medicines.It takes a long time for the body to absorb the effective medicine ingredients.Meanwhile,oral medicine has many disadvantages such as bitter taste,irritation to gastrointestinal tract,etc.Also the medicine residual has to be eliminated by kidneys,which can put extra strain on kidneys.To get rid of those disadvantages of traditional Chinese herbal medicine,a new form is introduced to treat lupus nephritis known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine.Based on the disease condition in Lupus Nephritis,such as kidney damage degree,symptoms etc,different herbs are applied in this therapy.This is an external therapy in which herbs are superfinely shattered and then packed in bags.The medicine bags act on kidney area and the effective medicines can penetrate into kidney lesions with the help of penetrating fluid and osmosis equipment.As the effective medicine ingredients can get kidney lesions directly, the therapy can take effects more rapidly than traditional Chinese herbal medicine.
Chinese herbal medicine can balance the imbalance of Yin and Yang in body.It can help the body recover normal immune system, thus stopping the attack to healthy kidney tissues.Meanwhile,it can revive the self-healing system of the body to stimulate the self-regeneration of the impaired kidney structure.Therefore,it can bring an improvement of renal function.

Chinese herbal medicine have natural therapeutic effects on lupus nephritis. In addition, it can also stop further kidney damage.

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