
Edema And Hair Loss In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterised by a number of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. With this disease, patients’ health will be affected greatly. Most people have edema and hair loss in Nephrotic Syndrome.
For most of Nephrotic Syndrome patients,damaged glomerular filtration system can can not stop the leakage of protein in urine,leading to serious hypoproteinemia. Thus it will lead to the edema. Decreased GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) will lead to water-sodium retention,aggravating edema. Besides,unhealthy diet will also worsen this symptom. Edema is a relatively obvious symptom,reminding patients of their renal lesions.
In fact,with the aggravation of proteinuria,children will also suffer from severer malnutrition,leading to more serious problems. Thus parents may find that their child is dystrophic,pale,weak and prone to hair loss. Actually,this symptom will be worsened owing to some medicine or unsuitable treatments.
So in this case,we recommend to use some conservative natural treatments to control children’s disease and remedy their renal lesions. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy may be more suitable for their disease condition. As a kind of innovative TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),it is characterized by external Chinese Medicine and offers better choice for patients to live a better life.

If you have any doubt or are suspicious that you may suffer from nephrotic syndrome, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. You will find what you want to know.

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