
Do Kidney Failure Patients Give Up Sexy Life

Do kidney failure patients give up sexy life? Many people are shy to ask this question. Our expert will introduce some knowledge about this question.
The answer for the above question is no. But kidney failure patients should have a limit of sexy life. Renal failure can affect the sexy life quality to some extent. Generally patients have a sign of declined sexy function. The reasons consist of:
physiological dysfunction: chronic renal failure patients often have anemia, hypertension, elevated creatinine and urea-induced nausea and vomiting, cardiac dysfunction, and these factors can cause sexual dysfunction.

hormone metabolism: Women serious. Renal insufficiency, often show symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as amenorrhea, after a few months, infertility, breast atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, vaginal lubrication decline; male patients significantly decreased serum androgen levels, equivalent to only being mortal 1/2. Some patients had thyroid dysfunction, low libido and impotence exhibit, etc.

neural factors: toxic substances due to the effect of uremia, causing nervous system degeneration and dysfunction, nerve conduction velocity, neural regulation dysfunction. Changes in the nervous system spread to the pelvic autonomic nerves, so there are sexual dysfunction.

concomitant disease and drug factors: the cause of chronic renal failure of certain diseases, its effects on sexual function has nothing to do with the degree of renal damage in itself, such as diabetes, high blood pressure?. But with the onset of the treatment, and some can affect sexual function, blood pressure medicine and sometimes three to four kinds of application, often inhibited sexual desire, causing impotence.

psychological factors: uremia is a serious life-threatening disease, the patient due to depression, depression, anxiety, fear, and a heavy economic burden, leading to loss of libido and sexual dysfunction;

traditional concept of influence: "Kidneys sex", "sex will affect kidney" in people's lives has become a concept, so some patients will self-ban sex life.

Renal failure must be an absence of life? Chronic renal failure patients, regardless of renal insufficiency, dialysis or after renal transplantation, the quality of their sex life is not satisfying. Compared with the illness before, 90% of male patients and 80% of female patients occurred libido; 80% of male patients penile erection or can not maintain an erection after erection. Male patients decreased ability to control ejaculation, early ejaculation, orgasm feel bad self. Approximately three-quarters of female patients is difficult to arouse sexual excitement, the vast majority of patients have secondary female orgasmic disorder, manifested as the frequency or intensity of orgasm decreased significantly, even relatively disappear.

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